GHS Names October's Teachers of the Month

Reporter Makenna Keyes

This October teachers of the month go to Salome Henry, Katie Johnson, and Mark Wall, receiving this award is a big honor and means that these particular teachers excelled in their subjects. Teachers are selected from each hall of the high school and are voted on by their own co-workers.

Math teacher Katie Johnson won in the A-hall area of the highschool. Mrs. Johnson is known for always putting in 110% into her work. She is always trying to assist the kids as much as she can with offering help after school and help them one on one.

In the past she has taught Algebra I, Algebra I co-taught, Algebra I double block, Geometry, Geometry co-taught, Geometry double block, and Algebra II, and Math Analysis at GHS. She has also been Co-Chair of the math department for the past four years here. This year she will be teaching Algebra II and AP Calculus.

Mrs. Johnson’s co-workers agree with this decision just because she is really hard working and deserves this award for all her work and dedication. “Mrs. Johnson is very understanding and caring.” said Junior Kyle Huskey. “She is always willing to help a struggling student and will put their needs before her own.”

The teacher selected from D-hall was Salome Henry, biology co-teacher. Henry is new to Gloucester High School this year and is making a great first impression. She co-teaches with Mrs. Scott in her class of underclassmen.

Her students really appreciate everything that she does and know if they have a question she will be there in assistance. Her students say she is very nice and super helpful especially when the need help. Sophomore Naomi Smith said that Henry is “very kind” and she “cares a lot for her students.”

Mark Wall was voted teacher of the month in C-hall this month. Mr. Wall has been teaching at Gloucester High School for 18-20 years so he knows by now how to get the information across to the kids. He teaches American Studies with Mr. Burns and also teaches English 11.

Mr. Wall being one a well known teacher who works really hard on perfecting his teachings. For years Mr. Wall has been critiquing his plans each year to adjust best to the new students he receives each year. Him and his co-teacher in American Studies , Mr. Burns, both bounce off each other in the classroom and keeping the energy live.

Mr. Wall students know they can ask him for anything that can range from advice on school or life. He is a very caring teacher and only wants his students to succeed.

By receiving the teacher of the month award, these people will get a feeling of appreciation by not only their students, but also their co-workers. This honor did not come without hardwork and dedication; traits all of these teachers acquire. All of these teachers deserve some recognition for all the hard work and time put into teaching.