Ghs News

Seniors Bella Donoflio and Devonte Garcia sing "Only Us" from "Dear Evan Hansen." Photo by Ms Paula Dye.

"Night of love" Enchants GHS

Reporter Carissa McMillan

On Thursday, January 23rd, Hailey Williams and the GHS choir department put on a “Night of Love '' cabaret performance as a fundraiser for their upcoming field trip to New York in the spring.

Hailey Williams, a senior at GHS, has been shadowing GHS choir teacher Ms.Watkins as her senior project, as she also wishes to obtain a music educator career. Since December, her and Ms.Watkins have worked together to put on the production.

Williams and Watkins first worked together to select all desired show music to be performed in the show from broadway musicals. With songs featured from She Loves Me, Nine, les Miserables, Dear Evan Hansen, and many more, students were given an opportunity to widen their knowledge of show music.

Auditions were held on December 2nd after school in the GHS choir room. Students auditioning were asked to prepare a song based on what voice part they sing (alto, soprano, bass, tenor). Hailey Williams conducted these auditions with voice matching for duets and trios and assessment for solos. To be in the ending group piece, auditions were not necessary, just a signed document stating the student would like to participate. Not long after, about 25 students were notified that they would be performing in the cabaret and what song they would be singing.

Once the students were selected, rehearsals began. Rehearsals were held after school, also in the GHS choir room. Hailey scheduled each performer to sit down with her and practice their song(s). These rehearsals lasted all throughout January leading up to the performance night. Tickets also went on sale at this time for $12 per person.

Also in preparation, food was made to be served during the cabaret performance. Students were given a menu with the options of salad, spaghetti, and cake. Drinks were also provided. To help serve the food and drinks, student volunteers were asked to support.

The actual cabaret performance was Thursday after school on January 23rd. It took place in the GHS commons. Tables were placed all around a small stage set up for the performers. Students performing were asked to wear black and pink clothes. Students volunteering were asked to wear all black. One by one, students got up on the stage and performed their songs. With many categories such as infatuation, romance, trouble in love, love of things, paternal and platonic love, and love of a nation, there was quite a variety of music performed. During the performance, volunteers brought out food to the tables for the audience to eat while enjoying the show. Many more parents and other students attended than they had anticipated, making it “a little hectic” for everyone behind the scenes, as Ms.Watkins remembered. There was not enough seating already established for as many audience members as they had show up. However, extra tables and chairs were pulled from other places in the school and they already had plenty of food for all the extra comers. The show lasted about two hours with 26 different pieces. As the finale, all performers were brought back to the stage to sing a group piece,”Stay I Pray You” from the musical, Anastasia, which was conducted by Hailey Williams.

In many aspects, this “Night of Love” was a very great milestone for the musical arts at GHS. With a little short of $1,800 made from ticket selling, Hailey’s fundraiser was a success. GHS senior Bella Donoflio also stated that the production made her and the other singers “more efficient” in preparing music. Ms.Watkins wishes to continue this new production yearly and has asked GHS junior Devonte Garcia to carry on the tradition next year.