GHS News

2019-2020 SCA Student Board Pave the Way for a Successful Year


Every year at Gloucester High School, SCA elections are held in early May for Sophomore, Junior and overall SCA officers. Each candidate stood up to the task of campaigning and putting themselves forward to represent their fellow peers because of a driving desire to make the school a better place and consequently aid themselves through an enrichment of character.

“I ran because I wanted to make the school a better place, and improve the school spirit.” Stated overall president-elect Alex Riva. As well, Riva is proud and nervous about her new, prestigious position. She has ran for four years, granting her experience in school politics and code.“I think everyone should run for SCA because it is a fun opportunity,” Riva concluded.

Overall vice president-elect Cater Roane remarked, “I ran because it’s a good way to develop leadership skills and that it's a very important position.” Roane wishes to improve GHS and help to form a more successful school. Roane also has prior experience with the SCA, as he has ran for both secretary and historian positions.“I believe more people should [participate in SCA] because it develops leadership skills,” Roane said.

Junior Eve Austin is the new overall secretary for the SCA and has been involved with the SCA ever since freshman year. She remarked, “it feels natural to finish out in the club.” Austin spoke out about a wish that she had the courage to run for a higher position but she believes the elected leadership turned out well and are capable in their positions.“I hope the spring spirit can continue throughout the year.“ She said. According to Eve Austin, the compact group involved with the SCA is great and that many hold integrity and a strong dedication to the job, and typically the elected are put in office based on projected skill in the position rather than perhaps a popularity contest.

Lacy Phelps is the newly elected Sophomore SCA president. She stated, “I ran for SCA because it looks good on college applications and I enjoy being a role model and leader for my class.” She believes that she is well-suited for the position and feels good about where she is. Phelps says, “My Position includes being a role model and leader, ensuring that everyone gets a voice of opinion, fundraising, and being an approachable person for the sake of my class.” Phelps also remarked, “As the new SCA 10th grade president, I hope to continue fundraising and I hope to create even more fun school events.” Phelps wants more people to run for SCA because it's a fun experience and it’s great for college applications.

With a confident, capable elected student board, the 2019-2020 year here at GHS is projected and running in the direction of a great year.