Ms. Joyce Taylor receives her award from Dr. Craig Reed.

Congratulations to Ms. Joyce Taylor for Receiving the GEA Award

Ms. Taylor was Selected for the GEA Educational Support Personnel Award for her Outstanding Contributions

Reporter Joshua Coleman

On March 14, 2021, Custodial Foreman Ms. Joyce Taylor received the GEA educational support personnel award for Gloucester High School, in recognition of her superior contributions to the school.

Gloucester High School is the largest school in Gloucester county, with 1750 students and a faculty of 175. Because of the immense quantity of people, GHS needs a lot of cleaning, particularly during the current lockdown scenario. This is where the custodians come in. They are not just responsible for the school. The custodians also attend to community events such as plays, sporting events, church services, and public meetings.

Coordinating this much-needed effort is Ms. Taylor. She and her team are responsible to clean, sanitize, disinfect, wax, strip floors, and observe any possible safety hazards. She says, "My main responsibility is first and foremost providing a clean and safe building and grounds for students, staff, and guests."

Custodial work is no easy job. Ms. Taylor and her coworkers are the ones to clean the snow and ice during inclement weather, they are the ones cleaning and stocking the bathrooms.

So it was entirely fitting that on March 14, 2021, Ms. Tayor received the GEA educational support personnel award. This honor is handed out to staff that make the school system run smoothly. Many were very happy with this decision and pleased that custodians were recognized for their hard work. Ms. Tayor has not only inspired teachers and students, but also other custodians. Custodian Khyre Jones says, "I admire her tenacity, and leadership -- and determination. She's not afraid talking to the higher-ups."

Congratulations to Ms. Joyce Taylor, for her outstanding practices, which are often taken for granted. And thank you to all staff and custodians for doing what you are doing.