
GHS Athletic Director Kristy Hunter Wins Athletic Director of the Year

Editor Orlando Angelone

(Dukes' Dispatch) - Gloucester High School's Athletic Director Ms. Kristy Hunter has been awarded the honor of Athletic Administrator of the year 5A/6A by the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrator Association (VIAAA). She was selected by a state board of past presidents.

The job of Athletic Director is one that comes with a lot of work and responsibility. According to Ms. Hunter, her job ranges from ensuring that students are academically eligible and that their physicals are on file, helping coaches deal with parent and player concerns, and most importantly scheduling and rescheduling due to weather. She also books the facility, and oversees clubs.

Ms. Hunter has been serving as GHS' Athletic Director for the past seven years, and this is her first time being given this honor. She has been at Gloucester High School for the past 16 years.

When asked what winning this award means for someone in her position, Ms. Hunter said that, "It's a huge honor. It makes me smile everyday to think that [she] was even selected for it. There are three that are selected from public schools and one from private schools every year, and I work with outstanding Athletic Directors, so to think that I was chosen is a huge honor."

According to Ms. Hunter, her plans for the department are to, "Continue to grow it, and to educate [her] coaches so they can continue to build their programs," She also said that, "We're with very competitive schools, and we want to continue to grow the program so that we can be competitive too."

Ms. Hunter will be receiving the award at the Athletic Administrators conference in Norfolk on April, 21. And she says that she has invited her friends in the athletic director world because they're a huge part of her being able to do her job. Ms. Hunter would also like to thank her GHS Family, without them she couldn't be successful.