GHS News

Mr. Ecceleston's classroom, affectionately dubbed "the museum", brings history to life with a collection of genuine artifacts.

Local History Teacher Takes Top State VFW Honors

Reporter Austin Kent


Gloucester High School social studies teacher Jim Eccleston, a teacher of more than 30 years, had the honor and privilege of being named the Virginia Veterans of Foreign Wars’ High School Teacher of the Year for 2018. Eccleston received the honor at the Virginia VFW Winter Conference on the 12 of January in Portsmouth.

Eccleston had good reason as to why he won. From Larsen’s nominating narrative: “Jim’s classroom, known as ‘the museum’ houses an astounding array of military uniforms, photos, films, flags, and artifacts alike in glass showcases. Jim fascinates his own students daily with hands-on demonstrations with artifacts , authentic film clips, real newspaper clippings from different time periods, extensive knowledge of history, and even music dating back all the way to the Civil War.”

In an exclusive interview with him, I had asked him how he felt when he was deemed VFW Teacher of the Year. “Surprised, to say the least. I wasn't expecting it at all,” he said, reminiscing to that night. I had asked him about what it takes to be nominated for the award, and he stated, to my suprise, “You don’t actually have to be a veteran to win. A veteran that would be apart of the VFW Association would nominate someone who shows a ‘veterans values’,” which he said included valor, honor, humbleness, among other things. “What areas does this association cover? I know its statewide, but does it go more in depth than that?”, I asked. “Well, it starts at a local level, within districts, people are chosen or nominated or however it works, and then they are brought up to the state level, where the final decision is made and the award is given to the winner.”

“When did you find out that you were nominated?”I asked. “I was notified in Los Angeles because it was Christmas Break, so in December. Then the award ceremony was in January.” I asked how many people attended. “Around 150, probably 200 people were there.”

“Was it just for Teachers? Or could anybody be nominated?” “Oh no,” he stated,” There's also an essay contest for students. It has different levels, you know, elementary middle, and high school.” ‘What is the prize?” I asked. “A scholarship, I believe.”

“There are numerous districts involved," Mr. Eccleston explained when pressed about the competition, "about 30-40 I do believe.”

‘“So there must have been a reward of some kind, correct?”

“Oh yeah, I got a check that I don't really want to get into, and a nice plaque with a glass apple on it. But yeah the check was very nice to say the least,” he said, “Finally able to get a new uniform.”

“Oh yea,” I said, taking a look around the room. “I remember most of these, surprisingly” I stated, reminiscing to when I was one of his students for about two years. “What I probably need is a new manikin, actually,” He exclaimed, taking a look around. “Yea yea i remember them,” I said, turning around. “ I see you still got John and Larry” I said, taking a look at the two mannequins, one in a civil war uniform, and the other in a Vietnam infantry suit.