The Gloucester Dukes storm the field to deliver the second-ever win against the Hampton Crabbers. Photo by Lifetouch

Homecoming Vibes In Gloucester Once Again

Editor Daniel Walsh

A time that most high school students look forward to every year is Homecoming season. During the week, a variety of fun events take place in efforts to hype students up and create school spirit. The week involves events such as spirit week, a parade, a school pep rally, the homecoming football game, and the homecoming dance. This year’s homecoming week reached exciting levels of participation.

For many, the Pep Rally is the culmination of spirit week. It’s a chance to get out of class and scream your heart out, and it’s classic. Among other things, the SCA will be holding a T.P contest and introducing a randomized Tug-of War contest, in which random students will be pulled from the bleachers to play. SCA Secretary Eve Austin says that “I think a lot of students feel bitter about spirit week because they don’t feel included--like we are using the same people over and over, and on some level, I agree. This Tug-of-War will bring all sorts of students into the fun and exemplify the real Duke Spirit that we’re looking for.” Even the alumni of Gloucester High look forward to Homecoming Week for it’s excuse for high school reunions. High school reunions tend to happen ten years after the class graduates then they continue in five year intervals. During these reunions, former classmates can socialize and catch up with each other, and it can be really interesting to see how your classmates have gone their separate ways, how they have changed, and if they achieved their huge high school dreams. GHS English teacher Frank Crowley jokingly said, “The cool thing about high school reunions is that you can see how much better your life is than your classmates, but also its kind of unfortunate in the sense that you can see how much more successful other students are.”

Another thing that students look forward to every year is spirit week. Spirit week is where students dress to a certain theme depending on the day of the week. One thing that's special about spirit week is that it happens in every grade level from elementary to high school. Having the opportunity to dress up in a different costume can be a great deal of fun as it reminds some students of dressing up for Halloween, except for an entire week. Unfortunately, teachers Jason Burns and Mark Wall have noticed a decrease in spirit week participation specifically in high schoolers in recent years. A potential reason for that is that the themes are often repetitive, Senior Lindsey King jokes, “America Monday, they do that every year since like 1901. I’ve also noticed that they do character and decades day too often if not every year.” While there is some repetition, Lindsey also says “Rappers vs. Rockers day is really cool, I’m excited for that.” Senior Orlando Angelone is also dissatisfied with Spirit Week, saying that it is a“great time for students to express themselves, but I would have appreciated a Craig Reed day.”

Overall, homecoming week is a fun time for all students that helps raise spirit for the rest of the year. There is never a lack of things to do during the week and even if you personally don't participate, it's always fun to watch other people dress up and have a good time. Homecoming week is a tradition that has happened for decades and hopefully will continue to take place for many more.