Mr. Alexander and theater students from Gloucester High School won the Regional 5A Championship.

Gloucester High School theater students have won the Regional 5A Championship with the play Our Place by Terry Gabbard.

Our Place is a one act play consisting of five scenes each with a different story. The cast of this play was Larkin Denton playing Jake, Julie Trist playing Holly, Rey Hogge playing Lyle, Avery Watkins playing Anne, Jacob Underwood playing Jonathan, Veronica Trist playing Beth, Devonte Garcia playing Al, Victoria King playing Brenda, D’mori Garcia playing Nicky, Mathea Anderson playing Sherry, Nancy Colwell playing Liberty, Adam Hogge playing Corey, Lewie Lawrence playing Stanley and Lauren King playing Sidney.

Lauren King said that as a group she believes they worked fine but thinks they need to work on communication more. Lauren also said that covid has affected theater due to the lack of facial expressions and also the masks affect the voices that each person had to do. Lauren also mentioned that her character was a younger girl, around the age of seven. Laurens explained that throughout the scene she played in she was searching for her character's older brother that ran away. She mentioned that her thoughts going on stage were focused on remembering placements and also lines. She also said the hardest part of the performance was the jump because she didn't trust herself to fall.

While interviewing Avery Watkins she mentioned that she was able to interpret some aspects from her own life into her performance since she believed she related closely to her character. Avery also mentioned that communication was something that needed to be worked on as a group to become successful and do better in up and coming performances. Avery also mentioned that she felt like her style of clothing was able to be shown during her performance.

Since they won the regional championship they will be moving on to the state championship. It has not been announced what they will be performing for the state championship but believe it will be just as good as their performance for regional championships was. Their state championship performance will be next week, more information shall be out then.