
Drunk Driving Simulation Takes Place at Gloucester High School

Sophomores take part in a drunk driving simulation for the Driver’s Education classes at GHS

Reporter Kaylee Walls

All students in the class of 2021 took place in a drunk driving simulation at Gloucester High school on Wednesday, March 24th. The simulation was in correlation with the Driver’s Education classes taught by Mrs. Laverne Forrest and Mr. Dorsey Hooker. The class was to used to inform students about the risks, dangers, and distractions associated with texting behind the wheel and drunk driving.

The classes were roughly 90 minutes and took place in the parking lot next to the weight room. Students participated in two tests: in one tests students got on a tricycle and rode it around a series of cones, in the other test students put on goggles that impaired their performance as if they were intoxicated.

A large portion of the Drivers Ed class focuses on the dangers associated with drunk driving. This seminar was to give students a realistic outlook of how truly difficult it is to operate a vehicle while intoxicated or with impaired vision. Sophomore Matt Conway says, “The class was pretty fun but it also taught me not to drink. It was really difficult to operate normally and not run into the cones”.

Sophomore Leighann Harper says, “It could’ve been more realistic but in the long run we all learned to avoid distractions while driving”

The class may have not been the most realistic thing but it still provided students with the idea of what it is like to text or drive behind the wheel, which is a big advancement in the student awareness of safe driving.