GHS News

Students make a Difference with the "Do Something Different Club

Reporter Makenna Keyes

The Do Something Different Club is a newly founded club at Gloucester High and is lead by Mr. Neblett. The purpose of this club is to get students involved in doing good deeds just out of being a good person. In joining this club there are no fees, dues, deadlines, uniforms, or anything else.

Do Something Different Clubs are already all over the country now and are encouraging young people to do nice things all the time.

The sponsor of the Do Something Different Club is Mr. Neblett. He started this club to get students to participate in doing random acts of kindness. A good number of students that know about this club say it is a good time and are happy to have such an opportunity to do good things for others with friends.

Mr. Neblett feels that the ideas presented to him and cannot wait for the club to grow and expand. During the club meeting, Mr. Neblett declared that there would be no elected officers because that is not what the club is about. It is based on doing things as a group and no one should feel like they cannot come forward with an idea just because they are not an officer.

A good number of students showed up for the meeting. Junior Cody Brown said she joined this club because she thought it was a good idea to do nice things for others. This club would also look good on college applications and is not so stricted to where she can continue to do other clubs and sports around it.

Some of the good deeds the club will do include simple things like going to school sports away games to give support, making cookies for the teachers, donuts for the police officers, and other little things that make someone smile.

The club can also do more impacting things. One school in Boston held a “Kick Butts” day to help motivate teens to say no to smoking. A club in Kansas held a toy drive for underserved children in their area. In New Jersey, a Do Something Club held a canned food drive over Thanksgiving. The good deeds can range from small to big and each make a positive impact on someone.

The way the club organized the ideas was to put sticky notes on the board for three groups like a small good deed section, a medium and long term. There are ideas for smaller things and some for long term plans. The ideas made up by the club have to stay secret so it will be a surprise when the good deeds happen.

With not having any fees or having to do any community service hours, this club should bring in more and more students over the school year. This club is meant to bring joy to others. The next meeting for this club is November 6th, 2019 in Mr. Neblett’s classroom and many are encouraged to come!