GHS News

SCA campaign posters have sprung up around GHS as election day draws nearer. Photo by Summer Smith.

2019-2020 SCA Elections Fast Approaching

Assistant Layout Editor Ayla Liles-Crayton

The SCA elections for the 2019-2020 school year are coming up soon.

Each presidential candidate has spoken out on what SCA is to them and why you should vote for them.

Running for Sophomore President is Lacy Phelps. She enjoys being a leader and has prior experience in the position of Freshman Vice President of this current school year. “I plan on continuing to start new fundraisers for the school,” Phelps says.

The Junior Class Presidential runner-ups are Bonnie Wilson and Mackenzie Hughes.

The Senior Class Presidential candidates are Erin Bell and Savannah Rose. “[SCA] is important because of the amount of impact it has,” says Savanna Rose. “I want to help the students of lower grade levels and let the students be a part of the school. I plan to coordinate more events and make things more organised, and to make senior year more enjoyable… I will be the voice of the students and make them more included.”

Overall SCA Presidential candidates are Destiny-Grace Morales and Alex Riva. Riva states that she wants to improve the school. “I’m running because I want to challenge myself… I plan on being a good president. I know I’ll be a good leader,” she stated.

The SCA offers leadership opportunities to students, along with giving them the chance to influence the school and their class while listening to the students’ opinions. It is important to contribute to these elections and vote for the candidate that would best represent the school of GHS.