Junior Violet Kagey (right) shows off her artwork with Senior Iris Dotson (left), who modeled for the piece. Photo by Lilly Robinson.

Gloucester High School Debuts Art Show

Reporter Lillian Thompson

Gloucester High School held a huge art show at the Gloucester Library on May 1st-5th from 4pm to 6pm. After walking around the event, looking at all the beautiful art, Its with no doubt that these young art students have a lot of talent. Teachers were very proud of their blossoming students as they grow into aspiring artists.

But It's not always fun and easy to work on pieces for the show. Local teacher Lauren Shoenthal states, “Working on a team, and being reliant on other people to finish their part of the set up in order for me to finish my part of the set up was on of the hardest part of setting this up.” To the disappointment of the three art teachers, some students were not up to par with what the standards that needed to be met. “One of the hardest things that students struggled with the most is deadlines,” Ms. Shoenthal admits, “Mostly digital classes were the hardest. They had to get use to all the new programs provided in the course.”

After talking to Mrs. Amy Berg about one of her biggest struggles she had getting the students to submit art into the show, she states “most of them don't have confidence in what they've done, to know that it's good enough to be out in the show. A constant struggle was trying to get them to put art in the show in general.”

Ms. Burg wanted students to show confidence and pride in the work they submitted. Burg explained, “It's more about improvement, and not being the best of the best. It's about where you want to be with your skill level, not where someone is forcing you to be.”

In the end, The art show was a huge success among the students and art teachers of Gloucester High School. Teachers and parents are very proud if their loved young artists. Students have been encouraged to share their amazing art with the world, and to keep going if they want to be an artist. There will be many more amazing shows to come from the wonderful artists of Gloucester High School.