Senior Allison Goodwin Accepts Full Ride Scholarship to William and Mary

By Editor-in-Chief Eve Austin

Allison Goodwin wakes up at 6 am like the rest of us. She drives to school, sits through that same boring history lecture, and runs around in the heat for hours with her team—all for the thousandth time since she arrived here in her Freshman year—and her unrelenting work was not for naught. This diligent schedule culminated in a full ride field hockey scholarship to William and Mary, which she received in only her Sophomore year. Goodwin states that “it was an honor to get an academic and athletic opportunity like this one.”

Despite this great honor, she has kept her accomplishment fairly private and is extremely humble when discussing it. When she received the scholarship, she recalls that it was a “rollercoaster of emotions—mostly excited, but also a bit anxious to plan for the future.”

When asked about her future plans, she revealed that she is “not completely sure, however I have developed an interest in nutrition and physical therapy. I have also considered pursuing something in the medical field. I am hopeful for the future, but it is hard to imagine being independent.”

Despite her fears of autonomy, she is most excited “to make new memories on and off the field hockey field and meet new people.” Goodwin is following in her older sister’s footsteps, who is currently attending William and Mary and playing on the W&M team as well. This connection with the team means Allison attends the school’s field hockey games as often as possible, and is familiar with the team and coach. Her familiarity with the college as a whole means Allison can envision herself being comfortable when she attends in the fall.

While she is excited to attend the university, she reflects with fondness on her memories of the GHS team. Goodwin describes leaving as “bittersweet”. Her proudest moment on the team “was winning the State Championship. I felt that all of our hard work as a team had finally paid off. This feeling will be one that I cherish forever.” She stresses that her experiences on the team provide a foundation for her time on the W&M team and life as a whole. “Field Hockey at GHS has taught me many things. I have learned not only a variety of new skills, but I have developed friendships that will last a lifetime. Coach Miller preaches kindness, teaches leadership, and emphasizes the importance of being humble. These traits are among those that I hope to carry with me through my college career.”