
Commentary: The 2020 Election And Gloucester High School

Each Candidate’s Following At GHS

Reporter Tyler Bagent

When you go around asking the first thing on the minds of Gloucester students, almost none of them will say “The Election.” However, each candidate has some recognition at GHS, good or bad. No matter which one, they all provide some form of controversy among students.

The current President of the United States, Donald Trump, has a large following here at GHS. You will constantly see students wearing MAGA hats and sporting “Trump 2020” shirts. A junior I spoke to, who prefers to stay anonymous (a common theme throughout this), when asked why he supports Trump said, “Tariffs, and trying to move the economy back to America.” He also says that the border wall is “a good idea” to “keep illegals out of this country.” However, Trump draws criticism from students as well. Others I spoke to described him as “crusty” and saying “I would not support him in any circumstance.” Regardless of political beliefs, most students at the high school have some opinion on the President.

Senator Bernie Sanders also has quite the loyal following. His support base is usually quieter, but devoted. I spoke to a sophomore who supports the Vermont Socialist. He said that Sanders has “kept consistent views, as opposed to other candidates.” Like Trump, Senator Sanders receives criticism from students, with some worrying how realistic his plans are. A sophomore I spoke to said that “his plans for free healthcare, free college… I don’t know how he will make them work.” A Trump supporter I spoke to described him as a communist. However you feel about the Senator, he still has large name recognition among students, good or bad.

Despite polling at 2% nationally, Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has a rather large base at GHS. Occasionally, you will see a student sporting a “Live Free, Vote Tulsi” shirt. A sophomore I spoke too is a big supporter of Rep. Gabbard. She says that “Tulsi has a plan” and that “she isn’t afraid to criticize people, even in her own party.” She says “Tulsi is in favor of an honest government, which many politicians aren’t in favor of.” Tulsi Gabbard, despite being widely unknown by the student body, still has many students who support her (more than a certain Former VP).

You may notice one missing name from this, Former VP Joe Biden. This was because he has a large lack of following among students (take that as you will). Regardless, the remaining candidates still have loyal fan bases here at GHS.