Pop star Ke$ha , who has been in a legal battle with her alleged abuser. Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

Ke$ha Vs. Dr. Luke, a Six Year Case

Six Year Case Reopened between pop star and her producer.

Editor Maggi Belvin

Six years ago, in October of 2014, Kesha Rose Sebert sued her producer Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald publicly known as Dr. Luke. The charges were on two counts of sexual assault and battery, gender violence, emotional distress, unfair business, and sexual harrassment. Dr. Luke signed Kesha as an artist in 2005 when she was eighteen. The first accusation Kesha made was that Luke had drugged and raped her when she was eighteen years old. Nine years later the artist sued her producer for multiple accounts of sexual assault and forms of mistreatment. Dr. Luke sued her back for defamation in 2016. When this suit happened other people came forth saying that Dr. Luke had also mistreated them, such as Kelly Clarkson who said she “only worked with him since she was literally blackmailed”.

A year later Kesha filed an interjection asking to be let out of her contract with Dr. Luke, she also said that SME knew of what was happening, which was denied in 2016. The stars have seemed to be in favor of Dr. Luke though as he was granted his opposite motion against Kesha to not allow for the New York case to pause so the California case may go. He has also got dismissed of all charges when judge Sherly Werner Kornreich dismissed all of Kesha’s claims in 2016. In January of 2017 Kesha attempted to amend her New York suit saying that KMI failed to pay her royalties. Which Kornreich again denied. Kesha is still in the contract working with Dr. Luke today in 2020. Which she is still trying to change by breaking the contract through her lawsuits.

The latest update in this year's long case was recently this year when Kesha told another pop star Lady Gaga that Dr. Luke had also raped another artist, Katy Perry. Both Luke and Perry denied these claims saying that a rape did not occur. Luke said these texts were defamatory and again the two went to court. A new judge, Jennifer Schector, is now overseeing the case. Schector is trying to answer the question of if the text Kesha sent was defamatory since Luke is “not a household name” even if he is known for his music. Though they were ruled as defamatory to his name. Dr. Luke is keeping his former claims that the accusations are false and just attempts at defacing him.

With the false rape claim the signer made about Luke when she accused him of raping Perry and the fact that the other lawsuits had not gone her way it is becoming harder for Kesha to get justice against her assaulter. Christine Lepera, Dr. Luke's lawyer said that he is “looking forward to the trial” since he believes he will prove Kesha’s claims were false and will “seek recovery” from the accusations. The case is said to happen in 2020 but the date is not yet set. Whether this case goes on for more years is also unknown, the outcome is just as unknown as everything else. While luck has not been in Kesha’s path for the former trials this one may take a turn for her way. The question on if Luke is guilty is still opinionated and being questioned, though the majority of media believes he is guilty. Everyone will know when the next updates of the case happen and more information is given.