
Makeup artist James Charles. Photo by Lone Fox, Wikimedia Commons.

The Downfall of James Charles

Editor Amber Howle

If you hadn't heard of 19 year old Youtube Star James Charles, you definitely have now. James Charles is a makeup Youtuber who found his fame online through his makeup routines and looks. Due to his sexuality and presence in the makeup industry, he was unaccepted by many at first. He gained popularity over the years and became an extremely popular makeup artist. He became the first male Covergirl model, called a "Coverboy". This made James' career skyrocket. He has been known as an icon for a while now.

On May 10th, Youtube makeup guru Tati Westbrook uploaded a video titled “BYE SISTER”, explaining in detail the many things Charles had put her through. She exposed his actions in the 43 minute video that now has 46 million views on Youtube.

Tati explains how Charles reached out to her when he was 17 and only an aspiring makeup artist. She says she tried very hard to set him up with sponsorships and introduce him to other artists to get his name out there. She says how she took on a parental type role and also never expected anything in return for the things she did for Charles. This all changed after Westbrook offered Charles a partnership with her Vitamin brand "Halo". He declined, as he said he wouldn’t want to sell to his primarily young audience. Charles decided to partner with Westbrooks competitor, "Sugar Bear Hair", instead. Tati Westbrook became fed up with James Charles' actions and made her video "Bye Sister". Westbrook tells of Charles' predatory actions towards straight men that she encountered during their friendship. She tells about her very own birthday dinner where friends and family present, he openly harassed a waiter through the dinner. Tati stated to Charles that he was straight and Charles said, “I can do this because I’m a celebrity.”

After Westbrook’s video went viral, James Charles lost over a million subscribers in one day. As the week has gone by, he has lost four million subscribers.

A few people have come forward saying that in high school, Charles would relentlessly catfish boys from their school to get nude photos of them. More people including singer Zara Larsson have come forward speaking about their experience with Charles' predatory actions.

Many celebrities including The Kardashians, The Jenners, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes and Jeffree Star have unfollowed Charles on social media after the scandal occurred.

James Charles has responded to the drama and posted an apology video called “Tati”, which was eight minutes long and has racked up 43 million view. He explains how he is sorry to Tati and what he has put her through over the years. Many people speculate he was only crying for pity and doesn’t actually feel an remorse about his decisions.

James has lost millions of Youtube subscribers and hundreds of thousands of followers over the past week. He still has his partnership deals for now, but it isn’t promised to stay this way for long.