
Avengers: Endgame Decimates Box Office

Reporter Matthew Conway

Avengers: Endgame is the most recent entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the end of the Infinity saga. Released Thursday April 24th, Avengers: Endgame absolutely destroyed expectations becoming one of the highest grossing films of all time in just five days.

Endgame raked in 1.7 billion dollars worldwide becoming the highest grossing film in China, topping Fate of the Furious which made 392 million dollars compared to Endgame's 512.5 million. Theaters even had to add more showings to meet the demand. “I went to see it twice, once on the Saturday a two days after it opened, the second time on the following Tuesday,” stated Junior Ethan Miller, “and both times it was packed. Even on the Tuesday, which surprised me the most. I had a lot of trouble finding seats,”

It is unknown whether success of Endgame will influence Disney’s Disney+ streaming service. There are quite a MCU TV series planned for the service, including shows based on Loki, Falcon & the Winter Soldier, and even Scarlet Witch & Vision. The price of Disney+ paired with Disney’s backlog of classic films across every property it owns seems to be leading Disney to a road of massive financial gain, though some are getting what is being known as Streaming Service Fatigue. “I’m not paying for multiple streaming services just to see a show I want,” said Junior Jessie Starcher.

The Success of the MCU might also bleed into Disney’s decisions with buying different companies who own Marvel properties. Earlier this year, Disney’s deal to acquire Fox was successful, Fox owning properties like the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Deadpool. Now that Disney owns Fox, the potential to bring those characters is definitely there, with producer Kevin Feige stating that the X-Men will “come home” to the MCU, but not for a while. There is already quite a few movies lined up, including Spider-Man: Far From Home, a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and even a solo Black Widow film. The future of the MCU looks quite bright indeed.

The film was also well received with both critics and fans. As the final entry into the Infinity Saga, most felt that it led up to and absolutely destroyed fan expectations. It delivered many payoffs that were set up in all of the MCU’s past films. “It was really good,” said freshman CamRon Boens, “though I do wish there was a bit more action,”

Not all had glowing opinions, however. Junior Elijah Grover felt that there was “a lot packed into the movie,” making it hard to focus and appreciate some of the smaller, more heartfelt scenes.

All in all, Avengers: Endgame absolutely destroyed all expectations both in the box office and in many fans' hearts. It was the culmination of everything that came before it and it really shows that the more campy, comic elements of Marvel can rack in the dough. “It’s brilliant but messy, but does a good job encapsulating all the years of Marvel,” said History teacher Patrick Keeley.