
Captain Marvel: Before You Watch & Trailer Analysis

Reporter Austin Kent

Captain Marvel is (or should I say will be) the 21st film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the release of Iron Man in 2008. It will star Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel, Samuel L. Jackson, who will be reprising his role as a younger Nick Fury, and Jude Law as Carol’s mentor, Mar-Vell.

Let us start in the beginning: Who is Captain Marvel?

Debuting in the 1960’s from Marvel Comics, Carol Susan Jane Danvers is a captain for the Air Force, and Security Chief for a restricted military base that experimented with alien tech and other foreign objects. While working there, she had sustained life threatening injuries after an explosion from a piece of alien tech. She was then saved by the alien agent, Mar-Vell, who was working undercover, spying on Earth to see what they knew about his home planet, Kree. Mar-Vell then takes Carol to Kree because he sees potential in her. He thinks she could be a soldier for the Kree Army. It is revealed that the energy exposure from the explosion was from a device called the "Psyche-Magnetron" caused Danvers' genetic structure to meld with the Kree, effectively turning her into a human-Kree hybrid.

She was quickly started exhibiting powers. Flight, super strength, invincibility, and energy manipulation. The Kree quickly realized she can be used as the ultimate force for good, and thus, Captain Marvel was born. But at a cost. She does not remember her life on Earth. As far as she knows, she was born and raised on the alien planet of Kree. That will be a crucial plot point in the film, from what we have seen from the trailer.

Which leads me to my next subject: the trailer. It opens with Captain Marvel walking through a subway car, looking for something. Samuel L. Jackson is heard narrating. “So, The Skrulls, are the bad guys..?” It seems that there's a conversation going on with him and Carol Danvers, trying to get a good idea of the situation.

It then cuts to a plane crash with Danvers on the ground, then to what seems to be the chamber where Danvers got her powers on the planet Kree. We see what seems to be someone of importance talking to Danvers saying they “found her, with no memory of her past life,” and that they made her “one of us.” It then cuts to Captain Marvel being a billy bad ass showing off her powers, typical marvel trailer type of criteria, you get the jist.

Junior Celeste Barber is one of many people excited for the Captain Marvel film. Celeste has been a diehard Marvel fan ever since she watched Guardians of The Galaxy when it released its first of the sequel in 2014. Although she also enjoys watching films made by DC, Celeste said that “[she] has always enjoyed the movies Marvel releases and does not doubt that she will also enjoy this one”.

Alongside Celeste’s opinion, Sophomore Eden Smith says, “ I’m freaking pumped! I’m a huge Marvel fan.”

Captain Marvel hits theaters March 8, 2019.