
American singer and songwriter Billie Eilish photo taken by icebox

Billie Eilish's Surreal "Bury a Friend" Video Debuts

Web Editor Jenny Diaz

On January 20, 2019 the young and talented seventeen year old female artist Billie Eilish released a music video for her new song “Bury a Friend”. The music video is unique and something that no one has ever made or heard before. The song has a lot of nice beats in it and many good lyrics that follow in questions that are also throughout the song. Billie’s music video for “Bury a Friend” is different, and some may even say creepy or scary. The music video is something out of a horror movie, as many of the comments on her music video have said. The video has many parts in it that you possibly may have seen in a horror movie. For example, the music video shows a male laying in a bed asleep, and Billie is under the bed like a monster that is under the his bed while he is sleeping.

Throughout the song Billie is asks many questions in her lyrics. For example, one of the lyrics of Eilish‘s song is “why do you care for me?” When Eilish says that line in her lyrics, she gets up from under the bed to a hallway and she sings the lyric “when we all fall asleep where do we go?” She is pushed and pulled around by many hands and she is terrorized with a numb face expression during the whole video. Throughout the video there are many different scenes and things that happen to Eilish. In one scene she is walking through a dark hallway with flashing lights, and she's singing about why doesn’t the monster spit out what he's trying to say to her. While walking through the hallway. In the next scene she is grabbed and pulled into a chair where she is tossed and turned by many different hands. As she’s singing, she gets her shirt ripped open and her bare back is exposed while the hands that are pushing and pulling her stick many needles into her back.

In the third scene of the video, the needles are injected into her back and then the hands grab her by the hair to sit her up straight as she sings the lyrics “I wanna end me.”As soon as Eilish sings those lyrics the lights start flashing and Billie starts twitching with the needles still stuck in her back. Then after all that it brings you back to Billie under his bed as he is still sleeping, then shows her standing next to the bed watching the male sleep as she sings many different questions: “what do you want from me?” “ Why don’t you run from me?” “ What are you wondering?” “What do you know?” then Eilish repeats all these lyrics while she is watches the male sleep.

After all of that, the male that is sleeping says the word “Listen”, and after that Billie is in a dark hallway again with the flashing lights singing “what did you expect? To make me an art? Make me a star? and get you connected?”As she’s singing these lyrics the video shows Billie’s shoes being dragged across the floor, like she is possessed by what she is talking to and telling all these things to. This then brings you through the dark hallway with flashing lights right back up to Billie’s face where she is pushed back down into the chair by the hand. They are pulling and pushing her around again, and she is pushed through multiple rooms into a chair by all the hand. They then stick needles in her exposed back once more. Billie is seen spinning around and going upside down while singing about selling her soul and her not being able to say no to whoever she has to sell her soul to. Eilish is being pushed around by the hands and then she is in a bright white room. After she is in the room she is stabbed in the back with needles once again, but this time she is sitting in the floor sitting in the chair like all the previous time. I think it’s odd that they keep putting needles into the young female artist’s back.

After all of that happens to Eilish she is held by her hair while she singing, then all of a sudden you see Billie’s body floating and random screeching noises playing in the background. In my opinion, she looks like she is being possessed by a demon of some kind, like something exactly in a horror movie scene. As the video ends, cameras bring you back to where the music video began and the male wakes up. This music video in my opinion is very creepy, but also something that you can’t take your eyes off because it drags you in and you just want to know what’s going to happen next to Billie and what kinda things she is going to say next. The music video is like an actual movie, but that movie is just three minutes long.