
10 Movies to watch on Halloween:

Films to Get You in the Spirit for the Scariest Night of the Year

Reporter Austin Kent

With Halloween just around the corner, there are endless movies that all fit the creepy mood of All Hallows Eve. But you may think to yourself “so many options to choose from, I don't know what to watch!” Well lucky for you, I am here to give you 10 films that are great for Halloween:

  1. Halloween (1978):

Starting off the list is the poster child for horror movies and Halloween movies. Following a silent serial killer in a pale mask terrorising the quiet town of Haddonfield, Illonois. This is possibly the best horror movie ever made, and a much watch for this time of year.

2. The Shining

At number 2 is Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. With being considered possibly the scariest movie of all time, this film is the perfect film to watch not only on Halloween, but on any other day of the year.

3. The Exorcist

Needing no introduction, this film is notorious for causing people to be taken out of movie theaters in stretchers and leaving in an ambulance due to literally passing out, or some just getting up and leaving due to the intensity of this film. If you’re looking for a movie to truly get scared over, this is the one for you.

4. Insidious (Chapter 1 & 2)

These movies are going together for the #4 spot because if you watch the first Insidious, you absolutely have to watch the second. Not only does it make a lot more sense, it would make for a much scarier experience watching them back to back.

5. Beetlejuice

Let's be real here, what's Halloween without Micheael Keaton jumping around and screaming at everyone? Beetlejuice is one of those films where its almost blasphemy not to watch it this time of year.

6. The Witch

With a haunting colonial New England as the setting, an English family destroys itself through paranoia and a satanic entity lurking closer than they realize. This is one of those films that you think you know what to expect, but turns out you don’t.

7. The Nightmare on Elm Street

Another classic, this Wes Craven's cult classic shocker demonstrates that you're never more vulnerable than when asleep; a fact that naturally sets up countless scares for one of the biggest horror franchises in film history.

8. Hocus Pocus

After freeing three witches from an abandoned house in Salem, three kids must find a way to stop their evil scheme before Halloween night ends. With being probably THE halloween movie, this is a must watch for this time of year.

9. The Ring

After viewing a video that leads to your death seven days later, a group of young adults must combat fate in the form of an undead girl hellbent on vengeance. This could possibly be one of the most well known horror movies ever made.

10. Psycho

One of the most iconic films of all time, this eerie murder-mystery perfectly fits the halloween vibe. With a secluded setting, and characters we don’t know anything about nor trust, this film will send chills down your spine and make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.