
Course Information & Attendance/ Absence


You could find your classroom, class time and teachers here.


How do I find my Student ID?


Evaluation Items and Standards

華語中心行事曆 CLC Calendar:  wzuclc.com/calendar

2024年春季班 (2024/03/11 - 2024/05/26) 各班教學大綱

The syllabus of the classes for the 2024 Spring term (2024/03/11 - 2024/05/26)

112學年度第2學期 交換生班及學位生班 教學大綱 (2024/02/26 - 2024/06/28)

The syllabus of the classes of exchange students for the 2nd semester of academic year 2023 (2024/02/26 - 2024/06/28)


Course Completion Certificate

學生整期修業期滿,當期總成績 70 分以上且出席時數達總時數的 3/4 者,可獲得華語中心結業證書。(當期證書親領免費;非本期證書 NT$100、郵資 NT$150)

Students who attend the whole term with a final grade over 70 and an attendance rate over 75% can obtain the Course Completion Certificate after application. (Free for the current term, if you need the certificate to be sent by post, please come to CLC office to pay the postage.)