The following information on visas is for reference only. For further details or updated information on visa regulations, please contact the nearest ROC embassy, consulate or representative agency, or visit the website

Please make sure you understand the rules and regulations regarding visas before you leave your country. 

Q1. How long can I stay on a visitor visa?

Usually, FR visas allow holders to remain in Taiwan for 60 or 90 days. Extendable visas may be extended for a maximum stay of up to 180 days. If visas are non- extendable or when no further extensions are granted, the holders must leave Taiwan to obtain a new visa.

Q2. My country is on the list of 30-days visa exempt countries. Can I come to study without applying for a visa?

As a 30-day visa-exempt entry is not extendable, students must leave Taiwan to apply for a new visa from abroad after the visa exemption period expires. For students’ convenience, we do not recommend students to come to Taiwan on 30-day visa-exempt entry since a regular term at CLC lasts for 3 months.

Q3. My country is on the list of 90-days visa exempt countries. Can I come to study without applying for a visa?

As 90-days visa-exempt entry allows students enough time to complete one term’s study with CLC, it is possible to come to Taiwan without applying for a visa. However, you may miss a few days of class depending on the date of your entry, please consult CLC's calendar before making your travel plans. Make sure your passport has at least 6-months of validity upon entry. You must also present a confirmed seat reservation for departure to the immigration officers. Attention: 90-days visa-exempt entry is not extendable students must leave Taiwan and enter again if they wish to continue their studies. If you plan to study in Taiwan for a longer period of time and do not wish to leave Taiwan every 90 days, we still recommend that you obtain an extendable visa before coming to Taiwan.

Q4. I want to study for 3 terms or longer. How can I stay longer without having to leave the country?

Students who have studied in the CLC for 4 months consecutively and have never left Taiwan during the period can apply for a resident visa if they wish to study for three terms or more. With a resident visa, they may apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC). Please note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sometimes requires a guarantor before a resident visa can be issued. CLC does not act as a guarantor for any student.

Q5. How to apply for a resident visa for language studies?

Please submit the following items to the Bureau of Consular Affairs to apply for a resident visa: 

It takes 2 weeks to process the application. To Avoid your visitor visa expiring before your resident visa application is granted, you must submit your resident visa application one month before your visitor visa expires.

Q6. I am admitted to an undergraduate/ postgraduate degree program. Can I change my visa for language studies to a resident visa for degree studies?

If you have a visitor visa for language studies and want to change it to a resident visa for degree studies, you need to submit the following 10 items to the Bureau of Consular Affairs: 

**Whether your visa application is approved is at the discretion of the Bureau of Consular Affairs of MOFA. **

Q7. I am studying in another language center. Can I transfer to the CLC next term?

Yes. You need to apply and register in the CLC first. Then, take: 

in order to change the language center stated on your visa at the National Immigration Agency.

Q8. Can I take a part-time job if I stay in Taiwan on a visa for language studies?

Students who have studied in a language center for one year and have an ARC can apply for a part-time work permit. Foreigners who don't have a work permit cannot work in Taiwan. To apply for a work permit, CLC students must go to the front desk of CLC to apply for an approval to apply for a work permit. After obtaining the approval, submit your application to the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training. Working hours for part-time work permit holders cannot exceed 16 hours per week.

Q9. Can I apply for a one years worth of classes then apply for a visa?

No, CLC's academic terms are only 3-months long, and you can only apply for one term each time. Applicants can use the admission letter to apply for a 60- or 90-days extendable visitor visa for language studies. If you would like to study for more than one term, please pay for the next term's tuition fee at the end of the current term. Please extend your visa two weeks to one month before your period of stay is reached.

Q10. I already studied Chinese in Taiwan for 2 years. If I want to continue studying, can I extend my ARC?

ARCs for language studies can only be extended for up to 2 years. After the period of stay reaches 2 years, you need to leave the country, and re-apply for another visitor visa for language studies with the documents issued by the language center and other required documents. Whether your visa application is approved is at the discretion of the Taiwan consulates.

Q11. I just resigned from my job, can I change my ARC for employment to an ARC for language studies?

No, you cannot change your visa to a different purpose of stay in Taiwan. You need to leave Taiwan and take: 

in order to apply for a visitor visa for language studies (visa code: FR) in a Taiwan consulates overseas.

Entry restrictions for foreigners to Taiwan in response to COVID-19 outbreak