Undoc Resources

If you are an undocumented student, you may have many questions about how to attend and pay for further schooling. Below are some useful resources that highlight scholarships and other supports open to undocumented students. 

TheDream.US is the nation's largest college access and success program for DREAMers. Thousands of DREAMers want nothing more than the opportunity to get a college education. At TheDream.US, they work with a community of partners to provide that opportunity.

Immigrant's Rising provides a list of 344 undergraduate scholarships and fellowships that do not require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency (many are also open to individuals who don’t have DACA)

Big Educational Consulting provides an annual spreadsheet of financial aid awards given to undoc students. On this sheet you can see schools that offer financial aid to undoc students, which percentage of undoc students receive this aid, and average awards. This information can help you determine which schools to research.

Immigrants Rising’s In-State Tuition Tool helps you determine whether you have the attendance and degree requirements in order to qualify for in-state tuition in California. Even if you do not qualify yet, this tool can help you figure out what you need in order to meet eligibility in the future.

Video, worksheets, FAQs, and other resources for undocumented/dreamer students filling out the California Dream Act Application

Use this worksheet to understand the 5 quick steps you should take as an undocumented student to understand opportunities to cover your college costs at any college or university in California.  Provided by Immigrants Rising.

This list is provided by a community college. This includes links to the Dream Centers at all UC and CSU campuses. Dream Centers support undoc students on campus and can help before you attend!

Financial Aid Info

Paying for college can be challenging for undocumented students who do not qualify for federal financial aid. This video will go into detail about the different state funds that are available to pay for classes and grants that may assist some students to pay for books and other needs. Video provided by MeCHA at the SRJC.

Scholarship Info

In this video we provide information about local, regional and national scholarships that amount to over $3,500,000,000 and that most students do not know about. Information about FAFSA and CalDreamAct is also included. Students should get good grades, do volunteer work, and learn how to write an essay in order to get the most out of these scholarships.  One scholarship is available starting in the 7th grade. the deadline for the Lideres del Futuro scholarship is March 20th.

Centro de Sueños en SRJC (SRJC Dream Center)

A Spanish-language video from MeCHa at the SRJC about the Dream Center. El Centro de Sueños fue creado en el 2015 para apoyar a estudiantes indocumentadxs y sus familias para sobresalir en el colegio y transferirse a la universidad. En este video encontrara información de quien califica como estudiante AB-540 y de esa manera pagar lo mismo que.


Quick Guide to SB68

Did you know that many undocumented students are eligible for in-state tuition?

Immigrants Rising provides this guide to understanding how to become eligible for in-state tuition and state grants to help cover those costs.