
Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

From their website:

"The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is an agreement among WICHE’s 16 member states and territories, through which 160+ participating public colleges and universities provide steep nonresident tuition savings for Western students."

Search the WUE Savings Finder to see which majors are eligible for the WUE rate by school.

See the steps to be WUE eligible, including searching for majors/campuses and making sure your GPA/test scores meet campus requirements.

Many students have questions about how to apply for the WUE, which schools offer it, and if it can be used as a transfer student. See answers on their FAQ.


This guide is a quick overview of the WUE program and participating campuses.


RACC: Regional Admission Counselors of California

From their website:

"The Regional Admission Counselors of California (RACC) is composed of college admission professionals who represent colleges and universities outside the state of California."

Fall Webinars: Get to Know Out of State Schools

Typically, RACC visits high school campuses, like RCHS and offers mini-college fairs and presentations about studying out-of-state.  But they also offer video resources for students/families to explore on their own.


They also have a directory of all their members that gives you quick access to the admissions personnel at each campus.


Private OOS Tips & FAQ

Tips & FAQs for Private & OOS Schools