
Many local unions offer programs that provide extensive training in their trade. These programs usually require an application and interview process, and are often competitive. However, these training programs are also usually offered at no cost to accepted applicants. Apprentices will typically be working in the field at the same time they are completing their schooling for this trade. For more details explore the resources for each specific trade below.


Redwood Empire Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee (REJATC) offers five-year apprenticeship programs in electrical. Classes are held at their training center in Santa Rosa.  Learn how to apply and more on their website.

Plumbers, HVAC, & Pipefitters

Local Union 38 offers local and S.F. based 5-year apprenticeship training programs in three areas. They provide written examinations every two years. See their website to learn more and to contact them.

Next Step General Info


Info on training program

California Apprenticeship Coordinators Association

Apprentices not only learn occupational skills in the classroom, their learning is expanded to include hands-on, paid, on-the-job training! Students learn and practice all phases of the trade/occupation in real-world applications. The Cal Apprentices websites lists apprenticeship programs all over California. Learn more on their website.

Next Gen Trades Academy (Lime Foundation)

The NextGen Trades Academy is for students who may not have the opportunity to go to college or who are interested in learning more about opportunities in the trades. They train and help students find gainful employment in the trades fields and provide a workforce for local contractors. Their programs are open to all students ages 16-24 years old. More info and their application on their website:

Sheet Metal 

Sheet Metal Workers` Local 104 and Bay Area Training Fund provide apprentice training in three  5-year programs:. Classes are held at their training center in the Bay Area.  Learn how to apply and more on their website.

Coming Soon!

More trade information is coming soon! Looking for a trade you don't see here? Reach out to Ms. Hazlewood:

Less Common Trades to Explore


Watchmaking (clockworks) training is highly specialized and offered at only a few schools around the US.

If you enjoy figuring out how things work or taking them apart and rebuilding them, a career as a watchmaker might work for you. Watchmakers are skilled technicians who are highly respected in the industry. Their responsibilities may include hand-building fine mechanical watches, as well as repairing new or old watches that no longer function properly.

Learn More:,business%2C%20technology%20has%20impacted%20watchmaking

Underwater Welders

An Underwater Welder uses many common arc welding processes to weld and cut in a wide range of aquatic environments.

They must use their welding know-how and intricate knowledge of diving procedures and protocol to effectively lay down strong welds, often in tight spaces and less-than-forgiving surroundings.

Hyperbaric chambers and cofferdams are used for dry welding, while wet welding is performed in open waters up to several hundred feet deep.

Learn More:

Santa Barbara Community College program for careers related to diving/underwater: 


There are many jobs that require workers who don't mind climbing and working at heights. Some examples are Tower Climbers and Riggers.

A tower climber is a professional who can inspect, maintain, and repair work on cell towers. These include guyed, self-supporting towers, monopoles, and other tower systems that require regular inspection and maintenance. Cell tower climbers work a hazardous role, but this is a profession in demand in today's digital era. Some tower climber jobs are specific to those who work on broadcast, wireless internet service providers, and even radio towers. Cell phone towers are only one of many towers that require a professional tower climber to manage and maintain it.

In construction, a rigger is an expert in tying up, balancing, manipulating and moving heavy loads. A given rigging job in the construction industry may require completely different expertise and training than another does.

Learn More:

Scientific Glassblowers

Scientific glassblowers create glass apparatus for scientific research in laboratories, universities, and industry; they play a vital role in diverse avenues of inquiry. Some of the fields and industries served by this unique skill include:

Learn More:

High School Programs

North Bay Construction Corps

Seniors interested in careers in construction and the trades attend six Saturday training sessions at job sites around Sonoma County and are taught by professionals how to do the job.  After graduation students are either placed in a paid two week internship with a contractor, if they are eighteen, or attend a two week boot camp working on a community project and receive a $750 stipend, if they are seventeen.  The best part comes after graduation from the program when they get to interview with local contractors actively looking to hire.