Applying to College

The Santa Rosa Junior College is part of the California Community College system. Student can take classes as dual enrollment students while in high school, and can also pursue career training and transfer options after graduation.

Standardized tests are required or recommended by many 4-year universities and the NCAA. Get info on deadlines, registration process, and more!

Choosing a 4-year university is an important decision. Start researching campuses and majors early to decide where you'd like to apply.

There are nine campuses available to undergraduate students in the UC system. Whether you plan to apply as a first-year student or as a transfer student, you can start now researching campuses, reviewing admission requirements, and exploring transfer options.

There are 23 campuses in the CSU system. They accept both first year students and community college transfers. Explore the unique majors and campuses of the largest public system in the world.

There are over 2000 accredited universities in the United States, and many international options. There are state schools in each state outside California, and there are also many private school options. Find out more about applying to these other options.