At Fulham Cross Girls’ School we are committed to our ethos and vision of ‘Empowering Tomorrow’s Women’. There are several opportunities for our young people  to begin developing into the future of female leaders.

Student Senior Leadership Team

Year 11 students undergo a rigorous interview process and are voted for by members of the student council and the Senior Leadership Team to represent Fulham Cross Girls’ School at public and internal events. They also work with Heads of Year across the school to help cement our ethos schoolwide.

The team consists of 15 Year 11 students.

Student Council

A team of students elected by their peers and divided into five factions. We  meet once per half term and each faction has a project to work on.

The factions are

Behaviour and attitudes

Charity and fundraising 

Personal development

Quality of Education

Hammersmith and Fulham Youth Voice.

The council consists of 8 students from each Year group

Student Librarians 

These students are selected by the School Librarian after a letter of application and  interview process. They work together during selected lunchtimes in the library to improve their teamwork, leadership, communication, problem solving, initiative and organisation skills. They assist the librarian in keeping the library a productive and enjoyable place for all to enjoy.

Diversity Panel

These students are selected by the lead teacher after a letter of application and  interview process. We  meet once per half term and focus on an underrepresented group. The diversity panel researches and presents their findings in whole school assemblies to ensure that the entire school community is well versed in aspects of diversity. The panel also assist the Co- Headteachers in regularly updating the school’s diversity policy to ensure that all voices are heard and acted upon.

Eco Prefects

These selected students are the main leaders for all eco-projects in the school - each student is in charge of/leading a group of Eco-leaders overseeing their social actions/projects. The students present and lead at school open evenings and school eco-events.

House Captains 

These elected students attend meetings, lead assemblies and strive to motivate and inspire members of their house - internal subdivision of the school community. They will organise teams, relay information and prepare for various competitions across the school. 

Chelsea Ambassadors

These students work with the Year 7 ‘Chelsea Inspires’ group,  leading their social action and work with Chelsea Football Club and ‘Organic Mondays’ to help tackle period poverty (presenting and finding solutions).