Executive Principal 

Fulham Cross Girls' School is a special place. I felt that just over 20 years ago when I walked through the doors as a trainee teacher. The school is full of vibrance and girls thrive in their education with us.

Our academic outcomes are excellent and there is a clear track record of students achieving beyond their targets. However, FCGS is much more than an exam factory! Our students have the opportunity to take part in an exciting and rigorous curriculum that covers a broad range of topics which is topped off with our EMPOWER afternoons. 

Enrichment is offered every day of the week as we want our students to broaden their horizons by taking part in a wide range of activities. This is supported by our EMPOWER days that are strategically placed throughout the year and our EMPOWER week at the end of the summer term. Students have the opportunity to go abroad to Spain or a residential in the British Isles, as well as embracing London and all that it has to offer.

Apart from the students, my favourite element of FCGS is our wonderful, committed staff. All of our staff work tirelessly to deliver an innovative curriculum that represents our student body as well as ensuring all our students are supported in their health and well-being. Happy students make great learners!

We look forward to welcoming you to our fantastic school.