FCGS_empower_popups_2022_v3 (1).pdf

‘Empowering Tomorrow’s Women’ is at the core of everything we do here at Fulham Cross Girls’ School. As well as the extensive enrichment programme provided by the school the Empower Curriculum is aimed at the personal development of every student at the school. ‘Empower Afternoons’ are compulsory ‘lessons’ for years seven to nine that encourages students to engage in enrichment activities that they may not otherwise engage in given the choice. As a result, this exposes the students to a different type of education to that they would normally experience in the classroom. For example, students learn philosophy and ethics, take part in a charity project and take self defence lessons in a carousel of activities throughout the year.


In addition to empower afternoons, ‘empower days’ and an ‘empower week’ are delivered through the year. Once again, this is an opportunity for students to participate in education outside the classroom and develop different skills which support their personal development and enrich their formal education. There are two Empower Days each year. Normally one is an external trip/visit which is connected to an area of the curriculum they have studied during that year. The other Empower Day tends to be in school and has a Personal Development focus for specific years groups. Empower Week is the culmination of school’s academic year and takes place on the penultimate week of the year in July. Students choose from between twelve and sixteen activities and take part in these for the week. Last year there was a huge variety of activities to choose from ranging from International Week to residential trips to Scotland and Wales. In the past (prior to COVID) there were trips to Spain, France and Belgium and the school is hoping to resume these this academic year.