Google Classroom is designed to help you and your teachers communicate and collaborate, manage your schoolwork and homework, and stay organised.

Below are useful guides to help direct you through the process of using Google Classrooms

Google Classroom Intro for Students
FCAT Guide to Google Classrooms

Online platforms

Please see the links below to the online platforms that each subject uses and information about these.

Online platforms for website

Google Expectations for students

  • You must log in every day and check your homework.

  • Do not email your teacher to say you have done the work - this sends them way too many emails! Just submit it - they will see it.

  • You should upload the work using Google - this can be as a doc etc or as a picture. See the videos here if you don’t know how to do this.

  • Be polite - if you are asking a teacher something, you ask in the same way that you do in person - formally.

  • Understand your teacher can teach up to 450 students a week, they cannot reply to every little query that you have. (Either on the stream or by email)

  • Please do not email teachers directly, we teach a lot of students and can’t reply to everyone.

Use the system of 5 if you don’t know how to do something on google

One - ask a friend

Two - ask on the classroom stream - one of your classmates can probably help

Three - look at the help website

Four - Google it!

Five - ONLY at this point should you ask the teacher!

Click below to access FCAT Google Classroom Help Guide for students and families!