Our EMPOWER charter is central to everything we do at Fulham Cross and we provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, challenging and driven by our values and core purpose. 

Our charter was written by staff, students and parents and we revised it post pandemic to help Us  us re - vision what we want students to be in the new world. 

It is made up of 7 sets of skills to signpost to students what exactly is expected of them. Students new to the school are given an EMPOWER passport which gives them the opportunity to be  recognised and rewarded when they display the skills. This sets them up for success and shows them the way. There is no escape from EMPOWER during the 7 years with us as our assemblies, tutor times and Mode B (EMPOWER days, weeks and afternoons) are planned 

around them.

In 2022 we broke each of the skills down into finer strands to provide even more guidance To students. Our rewards systems reinforce these and we constantly try to use the language of EMPOWER with students to support and guide them in their personal development.

Curriculum Principles Statement for website.docx