Women in Leadership
Fond du Lac High School has paired with Mercury Marine to provide a unique game changing opportunity for our female students to gain valuable knowledge and experience. Women in Leadership was created to empower teenage girls to be strong, confident leaders during their high school years and in their post high school careers. We work with Mercury Marine female leaders to create engaging learning opportunities (typically three-four events throughout the school year).
“It was a great opportunity to learn about my future”
“I now know what direction I want my future to go in because of this group, forever grateful”
“I started this group not knowing what I wanted to do or get into but after I have a direction”
High school students have a world of opportunities available and yet choosing a career path is often extremely challenging. With the goal of providing career guidance and mentorship, a new partnership has been formed between Fond du Lac High School and Mercury’s Community Pillar of the Women’s Leadership Council.
A partnership between Mercury Marine’s Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) and Fond du Lac High School has been gaining momentum as a program designed to provide career guidance and leadership development to local female students in Grades 9-12.
WIL is a great opportunity to teach tomorrow's leaders today. This partnership provides the opportunity for high school girls to develop their leadership skills to be valuable assets to the community and local business and industry.
Major Components of the Program:
1. A job shadow event at Mercury Marine with a woman leader in the students interested field. This mentor agrees to be a resource for the student to answer questions as they progress through their academic and career field.
2. A half day event that is themed (we have done leadership, branding, etc.) which students learn from industry leaders
3. Question and answer panel for students with Woman in Leadership Positions from Mercury Marine