Week 1

September 13 and September 14

Hello parents - Here are a few pictures and notes from today.

It took us much longer to get ready to go outside than I had anticipated. We will start tomorrow at 10:20 getting ready - and hope to be outside by 10:40. Let's see how it goes.

Handing out notes was a bit of a gong show - I haven't come up with a plan yet to make this more streamlined and easier - let me think about it and I'll have something new in place for next Monday. For now, I have emailed everything to you in a separate message . Please check your e-mail.

Over all - we had a wonderful first day.

Today we had a special guest - Minister of Education - Honourable David Eggen visited our classroom for a bit. This was quite an honour for me - (the children could have cared less ....)

Here are some pictures of the learning and playing that occurred this week.

This children had a large piece of paper to write on. This is the beginning of being able to print letters - they are starting to make sense of lines and curves and practice using different kinds and sizes of markers and crayons which offers different amounts of tension to push and maneuver.

The children used the whiteboard and magnetic tiles to explore vocabulary. Standing and reaching gives them the opportunity to use large body muscles to move and fine motor muscles to choose a time.

Today we explored corn and removed the husks. This is great for gross motor and fine motor as well as exploration. Tomorrow children will be offered corn as a snack

Some of the children explored writing on the white board using large swirls and lines.

Each day we will have an action word. Today's action work was cooking. We talked about what cooking looks like and acted it out.

Here the children were exploring patterns using red and yellow squares. They could choose to make their own pattern or follow a premade pattern. This is an important skill that is a pre-curser to writing as well.

The children used the whiteboard and magnetic tiles to explore vocabulary. Standing and reaching gives them the opportunity to use large body muscles to move and fine motor muscles to choose a time.