January 29 - Feb 1

Thank you to everyone who supported or attended the family dance on Friday.

This week:

  • Wednesday - 2:00 -Assembly - Dress as your FAVE animal or wear brown
  • Friday - no School - Professional Development Day

The children worked with Ms Natasha to create these snowmen. Shapes, parts of a face and writing their name were all part of the learning.

Some children were absent during different parts of the creative art projects - and will have the chance to finish them during this coming week.

The light table is full of new shapes and colours to manipulate and explore.

Fish and sharks are still in the room in various different places. (The sensory table will be full of gel beads tomorrow morning when I add water.) There is an alphabet match table where children are welcome to play a matching game with alphabet letters.

In the kitchen area, they are still interested in the food, so I have added real food boxes to the play. (They have to be taped together - which I will do tomorrow).

Gross motor activities available include a number line and various sizes of hoops. Last week the children enjoyed creating a tunnel and going through, between, under, through and over as part of their play. We typically have 10 minutes of gross motor play at the end of the day with some type of movement/dance/game.

Beading is a great practice for fine motor skills.

The parts from this tent have been very popular for building, joining and trying to make the tent work. This play let to a new emerging interest in camping.

Using the stamp cutters and cutting is available at this centre. The first step in cutting is often making a fringe, followed by random lines and eventually following a line.

Children have been exploring how colours mix using water colours. This will continue through the week.

Kinetic sand is on a table this week. I look forward to seeing the children engage with this sand and see how it