General Info & FAQ

Child Tax Credit

Form 8812; Child Tax Credit 

FAQ: Child Tax Credit

Disclaimer: This information is not Tax Advice. The information included is limited to a general overview of credit and what basic qualifications are required. This information is current for the 2016 Tax Year. We do our best to keep this information current. But we are human and the IRS can make changes at anytime.


What is the Child Tax Credit (CTC)?

The Child Tax Credit is a credit for taxpayers with at least one qualifying child.

How Much Is The Child Tax Credit?

The maximum Credit is $2,000. 

Do I Qualify?

This credit requires all of the following:

Is There A Limit To How Much Income I Make To Claim The Credit?

Yes, The credit is limited if your modified adjusted gross income is above a certain amount.

Credit is also limited to: