Rental Income & Royalties

Rental Real Estate and Royalties:

Income or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties - Schedule E Page 1

You can Add the Rental Real Estate and Royalties page from the Schedule E.

This Rental Income Belongs To:

Select from:

Property Information:

Here is where you tell the system what  "Type of Property" this is:

Click within the box to expand the drop-down list. Choose from:

*When "Other" is selected, a description of property type is required.

Investment at Risk:

If you do not qualify to select "Investment at Risk" you can not use this system.

Active Participation:

If you did not Materially Participate  (can not select "Yes"), you can not use this system.

Please see IRS Schedule E Instructions for specific details on Investment at Risk & Materially Participation. There are special rules for the purpose of rental income. 

Property Sold In [Current Tax Year]:

Check the box if this property was sold during the tax year.

Fair Rental Days:

Enter the number of days this property was used as a rental in (current tax year).

Personal Use Days:

Enter the number of days this property was not being used as a rental (personal use days).

**Fair Rental Days and Personal Use Days must total 365 (366 in leap years) between the two.

Property Address:


When Entering Royalties :


Auto and Travel:

If you have checked the box to report Car and Truck expenses, do not enter include the expense s in "Auto and Travel" and "Form 4562".

If you have personal car and truck expenses to report, please check this box. 

Car and Truck expenses will only carry over to this activity when this box is checked.  

Mortgage Interest:

Enter only the Mortgage Interest that was paid when this property was a rental. 

DO NOT enter Mortgage Interest that was paid when this property was not a rental. Personal Mortgage Interest is entered within Schedule A. 

Form 1098 Explanation:

Provide a explanation anytime:

Other Expenses:

There is a limit of (3) Other Expenses that can be entered. If you need more than (3) Other Expenses, and can not find the applicable field to enter them, you will not be able to use this system.

Depreciation & Amortization:

Depreciation & Amortization Override: