Course Overview 


Mrs. Gosseck: 330-673-4176  ex:4040  

Instagram: Fieldmsart 

Course Goals: 

1.Every student will improve in his or her artistic technique. 

2.Every student will improve in their ability to express ideas.

3.Every student will expand his or her appreciation for all forms of art. 

6th: Students in the 6th grade will be introduced to the elements of art (line, form, shape, color, texture, space, and value). Students will explore art vocabulary, the process of art criticism, and the role of art in self-expression and the community. A variety of media and techniques will be incorporated to promote an active learning experience. 

7th:  Students will focus on developing art skills, vocabulary, creativity, and design. Students will create both two and three dimensional art that connects to the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity). Art history and criticism will be incorporated into all lessons. 

8th: Students will express themselves through the use of a variety of media that explore the post-modern art principles (appropriation, juxtaposition, recontextualization, layering, interaction of text and image, hybridity, gazing, and representing). Art history and criticism will be incorporated into every lesson. 

All lessons connect to the Ohio Visual Art Standards. Standards can be found on the project rubric. 

Grading: Students will be assessed and scored throughout the nine weeks through unit projects, in class participation/behavior, classroom monitors, and worksheets.  Art projects will be graded according to craftsmanship, creativity, and effort. Since each student has a different ability level so they cannot compare grades. 

Below is a rough estimate for points that are allotted for each nine weeks:

Formal Projects- 400 points (3-4 projects) 

Formal Classroom Monitors-100 points

Sketchbook  Extra Credit- 5 points

Informal In class participation- 225 points (5 points per day) 

Formal Worksheets/ Other Assignments- 200 points 

Late work- Projects will lose 5 points a day for being late. This does not include mini projects and worksheets. 

Checking out Supplies- Students can check out supplies to get caught up on work. See Mrs. Gosseck to check out supplies. If supplies are not returned on the agreed upon date then no more checkouts will be allowed. 

Class Rules: 

Consequences: 1-3 Applies to Behavior such as talking 

1.Verbal Warning/ In class participation/ behavior point lost

2.Verbal warning/ in class participation point lost

3. Lunch Detention- all 5 points for that day will be taken away or Loss of an Art Material. 

*For Each lunch detention a day will be added. For example your first detention might be one day and then your second detention will automatically be two days and so on. 

*Loss of Art Privilege. If a student does not follow directions and or misuses an art material the student will get a warning, unless the offense is great. If the offense is on purpose and or hurts another student the material will be taken away for the rest of the nine weeks. If a material is taken away a substitute material will be given or the student will do an art history packet. 

Other forms forms consequences:

-Thinking Worksheet- If the thinking worksheet in not completed within one complete class period then the assignment doubles for the next class period

-Art History Articles- Students must read and write a paragraph and or answer questions about the art history article

-Note/ Phone Call Home

-Office Referral