Post Modern Art Principles

Students in the 8th grade will explore the post modern art principles. These principles are what real artist use in their everyday lives. These principles also build upon the elements of art and the principles of design. Below you will find images and definitions of each post modern art principle.

Appropriation- borrowing images from historical and or mass media( such as photos and advertising)

Coping/ using someone else’s ideas. It is not plagiarism, because you want the viewer to know the original source.

Juxtaposition- placing two contrasting things side by side. Makes each thing stand out.

Recontextualization- placing a familiar image with things it is not normally associated with

Example- giant sculpture in the middle of the road

Layering- collaging/ layering many pieces of material such as paper on top of each other

Interaction of Text and Image-using both text and images to describe a piece of art. You need both to understand what the art is about.

Hybridity- blending of two cultures* together into one work of art

Culture- Culture is a pattern of behavior shared by a society, or group of people. Many different things make up a society’s culture.

Representing- using one’s own culture, history, and voice in art. Basically creating art for yourself and what you like. This will be different for each person.

Gazing-changing and or drawing attention to who is doing the looking and who is being looked at

Example- picture within a picture