Clay Shoes 

Overview: In this lesson the students will design a shoe and create it out of clay. They will be graded on craftsmanship as well as details and including pattern and texture. Students will base the template from a shoe that they already own and then add details and colors that are unique to their own design. At the end of the project students will look at a variety of logos in society. Students will create their own logo to go with their shoe design.

Goals: I can correctly and neatly make a ceramic shoe that displays textures and patterns. 

Standards:2PE Identify professions that use artistic skills and problem-solving.

.4PR Apply art and design principles in the construction of three dimensional artworks

7RE Assess one’s own work and working process and the work of others in relation to criteria and standards.

Language: subtractive and additive texture, slab , coil, pinch, pattern