
Doodle for Google

Each year the students create a doodle that has the word google in it. The contest is open to any student k-12th grade. Prizes include a scholarship and a trip to California.

Yearbook Design

Students in the 7th grade will design a cover for next year's yearbook. The classes will vote for their favorite and then the staff will pick the winner. The winner's artwork will be on the actual cover of the yearbook for the school.

Leo Peace Poster

Students created a cover for the LEO Club. Winners where selected and voted on by the public.

Coral Reef Contest

Students researched why coral reefs are important and designed a poster about the importance of them. Students then were allowed to submit their art for the contest.

Chasing the Dragon

Students researched and looked up the consequences for drug use. Then the students created a poster for the contest.

My Starlight Gown Design

Students were given extra credit if they designed a hospital gown for this contest. The design had to be for little kids.

Quail Hollow Photo Contest

Students received extra credit for entering a photo into this contest.