Ceramic Human and Plant Project

Humans and Nature

Overview: In this lesson the students will expand upon their knowledge of ceramics. In the previous lesson the students learned the basics of how to create a mug. In this lesson the students will learn about and understand of the importance of creating human figures in art as it pertained to art history. 

Goals:I can add and subtract forms to create ceramic art. I can create tactile texture. 

Questions: What are positive and negative shapes/ add and subtract forms? What is tactile texture?

Objectives: 1PE Identify how an artist’s choice of media relates to the ideas and images in the work.

4PR Present personal artworks that show competence in the use of art elements to create meanings and effects

2RE Explain and defend their artistic decisions using visual art vocabulary.

Language: humans vs nature, coil, pinch, slab, slip and score, surreal

Materials: clay, powerpoint, clay tools 

Artist- Kate MacDowell

“Sculptor Kate MacDowell has worn many hats over the years, some of which include teaching in urban high schools, volunteering at a meditation retreat in rural India, and creating websites in high-tech corporate environments. It was in 2004, after her return to the US, that she began to study ceramics at the Art Center in Carrboro, North Carolina, and then later expanded her education after a move to Portland, Oregon.”

“I’ve always been interested in animals. When I was a child I had absolutely no interest in dolls, but played with stuffed toys. Although I grew up pretty much in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio, my parents took my sister and I hiking and camping frequently, family reunions were often at a seaside cabin in Maine, or to visit my uncle homesteading in a tent in the West Virginia woods.” 

Human Figure pp.pptx