Volunteer Mentors

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In order to become a Volunteer Mentor, you need to fill out two forms: Volunteer Mentor Application Form and the Mentor Matching Form (filling out the google forms digitally is preferred but there are also PDF's if you want to print off the documents and scan and email them or turn in the documents in person). If you have any concerns about completing these forms, please email the ASPIRE Coordinator. You will also need to complete a background check (see below) as well as an interview and quick on-site training with the Coordinator. Please follow the steps outlined below in order to apply!

Step One: Fill out Volunteer Application and submit digitally, through email, or in hard copy form

Step Two: Email the ASPIRE Coordinator to set-up an interview

Step Three: Fill out and submit the Background Check found here.

Step Four: Fill out the Mentor Matching Form digitally, through email, or in hard copy form. Download the form here.

Email Karissa Worst:

After you complete the Application, please email the ASPIRE Coordinator to set-up an interview! After the interview, the ASPIRE Coordinator will ask you to submit for a Background Check (please do not begin this process until directed by the ASPIRE Coordinator)

After you fill out the Application

STEP ONE: Volunteer Application/Agreement

STEP TWO: Interview (email ASPIRE Coordinator)

email the ASPIRE Coordinator for an Interview

Volunteer Application, Position Description & Agreement Packet.pdf

Paper Version of Volunteer Application (above)

STEP THREE: Background Check

Once your background check is approved, you should receive an email that lets you know that you have passed the background check. When you receive this email, please contact the ASPIRE Coordinator, Karissa Worst, to let her know that you are ready to be matched with a student! Contact Information below:

ASPIRE Coordinator: Karissa Worst

Email: kworst@fgsd.k12.or.us

Phone: (503) 359-2432 ext. 3528

STEP FOUR: Matching Mentor to Student Form

Matching Mentor to Student Form.pdf

Paper version of Mentor Matching Form (above)

If you are an interested Volunteer who isn't sure if there is an ASPIRE Site in your area, please visit this website so we can find the closest ASPIRE Site for you!


ASPIRE Volunteer Calendar.pdf

Digital copy of ASPIRE Calendar: Important events and helpful deadlines!

Student Mentor Contract.pdf

Student Mentor Contract

Link to Volunteer Responsibilities and Required Trainings (ASPIRE)

  • Training videos
  • Helpful documents
  • End of year Survey
  • Student Tracker
  • Volunteer Checklist
Volunteer Checklist.pdf

Volunteer Checklist

Link to the Volunteer Handbook and Toolkit

Additional Training and Helpful Webinars

Bell Schedule

A Days: Periods 1-4

B Days: Period 5, Extended Block A, Extended Block B, Period 6, Period 7

(On B days, Extended Blocks are alternating through a rotation starting with Periods 1 and 2, Periods 3 and 4, Periods 5 and 6, Period 7 and Advisory.

Bell Worksheet.pdf
Bell Schedule 2017-2018.pdf
Volunteer Training Presentation.pptx

Volunteer Mentor Training PowerPoint