Recycled Water, Art, & Poetry Contest

Recycled Water Art & Poetry Contest

WateReuse Conference Theme: Why is Reusing Water Valuable?

Art & Poetry must be related to the theme of recycled water (also known as reclaimed and reuse water). Recycled water is water that has already been used by people, is highly treated, and is then reused for a number of different purposes such as irrigation for plants, parks and athletic fields, decorative fountains, industrial uses, groundwater recharge, and more.

Win Prizes and Have Your Entry Displayed at the Conference!

First prize is $100 in each category. Second prize is $50 in each category. Third prize is $25 in each category. Each winner will also receive additional Water Reuse prizes. All winning entries will be displayed at the 2018 WateReuse Conference held at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel in Portland, Oregon on May 17-18, 2018 and printed in the conference program.

Entry Form and Instructions

Who is Eligible?

This contest is open to students in grades K-12 in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Art & Poetry submissions must be received by Friday, March 30, 2018 to be eligible. One winning artwork entry and one winning poetry entry will be selected from each of the following two categories: elementary (grades K-6) and junior/middle through high school (grades 7-12) students. Please, only one entry per category per person.

What are the Contest Rules?


  • Artwork must be original. No poster containing a computer-generated graphic, photographs, collages, or trademarked art will be accepted.
  • Artwork must be drawn, colored, and/or painted on a 12”x18” or smaller white poster board. Any entry that exceeds these dimensions will not be considered.
  • The entry must depict the WateReuse conference theme.
  • All entries must contain an official entry form filled out and signed by the parent or guardian. The entry form must be attached to the back of the poster.
  • Artwork should not be folded when packaged.


  • Any genre of original poetry. The entry must depict the WateReuse conference theme.
  • All entries must contain an official entry form filled out and signed by the parent or guardian. The entry form must be attached to the back of the last page of the written or typed entry.

How Do I Enter?

  • Fill out the entry form and submit your entry to the 2018 Recycled Water Art & Poetry Contest by mail.
  • The mailing address is listed at the bottom of the form. Remember to attach the completed entry form to your artwork or poem.

All Entries Must Be Received By March 30, 2018