Year 6 Autumn

Katsushika Hokusai

In Year 6, children will look at the work of Katsushika Hokusai and develop their painting, printing and scultpure skills within the topic by painting a version of The Great Wave, desigining and creating a lino print and sculpting their take on The Great Wave.

The children started the topic by investigating the colours in The Great Wave and used their knowledge of the colour wheel along with tones, tints and shades to try to replicate the colours in the artwork.

After looking at colours, children chose their preferred medium to recreate The Great Wave.

The Great Wave was originally made using woodblock printing, so the children created their own print of The Great Wave using lino printing. They cut their design out of lino using a range of cutting tool, then used rollers to apply colour onto the lino before printing.

The children used a range of skills (such as pinching and scoring) and tools to sculpt a representation of the Great Wave from clay. 

Children then painted their sculptures with acrylic paint, trying to replicate a similar colour to palette to that of the original artwork.