Year 5 Autumn

L.S. Lowry

In this unit, children will learn about the artist L.S. Lowry. Children will spend time evaluating his artwork and replicating his style by experimenting with different mediums, including pencil, charcoal, pastel and watercolours. Children will then use Lowry's style and inspiration from Farsley's industrial heritage to create their own final piece. 

Children experimented with pencil, charcoal and pastel to draw Lowry's 'matchstick' style people.

Using watercolours, chlidren focussed on painting buildings in Lowry's style.

Children then experimented with drawing industrial buildings in Farsley, in preparation for creating their own final piece inspired by Lowry.

Finally, children pulled together all of their ideas to create their own final piece inspired by Farsley's industrial heritage and LS Lowry's artwork.