Hi!  My name is Mrs. Lori Douglass and I am very excited to be your child’s 4th grade teacher for the 2023 – 2024 school year.  This will be my 26th year of teaching.  I have taught every grade level from preschool through fifth.  I have two children of my own.  My son, Tyler, is 17, and is starting 12th grade this year.  My daughter, Ryann, is 15 and is starting 10th grade. I am looking forward to a fantastic school year!

8:45 - Homeroom                                 

9:00  - Personalized Learning Block (PLB)

9:30 - Math

10:50 - Snack/Brain break

11:00 - Language Arts

12:10  - Recess

12:30 - Lunch

1:05 - Fine Arts

1:45 - Language Arts/Wilson

2:40 - Science/Social Studies with Ms. Collazo

3:30 - Dismissal

Gym - Days 1 & 3

Music - Days 2 & 4

Trimester 1 - Music

Trimester 2 - Computer

Trimester 3 - Art

*Gym remains on the schedule for the full year.  

Spanish/Library - Tuesdays  11:00 - 11:40 alternating every other week

STEM - 11:00 - 11:40 on Week 5

Chorus - Thursdays 9:00 - 9:30

Band Lessons - once per week

Snack - Please feel free to bring a healthy snack daily.  Please refrain from sending in any items with nuts.  

Please check our Google classroom for all events and class information.

Email - ldouglass@ewrsd.k12.nj.us

Call - 609-443-7820 x3319