Mrs. Mosca's Class

Welcome to Mrs. Mosca's Class

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. This is my 11th year teaching in EWRSD and my 14th year teaching overall. I have taught K-5th grade special education throughout my career. I earned my bachelor of arts degree from Georgian Court University with a dual degree in elementary education and special education. I also have a bachelor degree in Psychology. When I am not teaching I love spending time with my husband and two daughters. We like to travel, go to the beach and spend time outdoors. Additionally, I love to read and work on DIY projects around my home. 

Room 120- Grades 3 & 4

Educational Assistants: 

Mrs. Greiff, Mrs. Kenny & Ms. Holloman

8:45-9:15: Arrival/Morning Work

9:15-9:30: PLB/Morning Meeting

9:30-10:50: Math Rotations

10:50-11:15: Writing

11:15-12:05: Lunch/Recess

12:10-1:50: Reading Rotations

1:50-2:30: Fine Arts

2:20-2:35: Snack

2:35-3:15: Science/Social Studies/Social Skills

3:15-3:30:Pack Up/Dismissal 

Trimester 1: Music & Phys. Ed. Trimester 2: Computers & Phys. Ed Trimester 3:       Art & Phys. Ed.

Day 1: Music

Day 2: Phys. Ed.

Day 3: Music

Day 4:  Phys. Ed.

STEM is on a 5 week rotation.

We alternate between Library and Spanish every week. 


Week 3 @ 10:10-10:45

Spanish- Every other Tuesday @ 9:00

Library- Thursdays @ 9:00 

Contacting Mrs. Mosca


phone: 609-443-7820 ext: 3120