Mr. Roselle 


Welcome to the studio!!!

Hello and welcome to the art studio! I have been involved with the art world for many years, sold different pieces of art all over the country and the world and now come to teaching as a second career.  I'm excited to use this space here, as it will serve as our way of displaying stand out students with our Featured Artist (see below) and other art related news from around the world. Please check back on a weekly basis to see what's up and who our weekly art  contest winner is! 

Click on the button above for art news, art shows and other general art things from around our area and the world!

Featured Artist

The display case where everyone's artwork is shown to the right here. If you go below you can click through each weekly winner there! Enjoy!

(YES the lights twinkle!)

Featured Artist Hall of Fame from 2022 -2023

Featured Artist is a weekly art contest held by myself, Mr. Roselle, for the entire PLD school. Students are to take our featured artist paper and create something they would like for themselves, they may use any materials they possess. This contest is to be completed during free time whether in class or outside of school. This encourages students to be an active artist outside of our traditional art class. This also allows for students that are no longer in art to still be able to participate in a creative way. I receive a wide variety of artwork from all grades, which makes picking out a winner each week very challenging. Our winners have been chosen because they have clearly developed a complete idea where you can tell they put time, care and their hearts into each piece. We all look forward to seeing this years pieces!

Featured Artist 23/24

Weekly WINNERS 23/24!

Click on the link to the left to view my 23/24 class schedule. >>>

Parent Schedule 23/24.xlsx

Click on the links to view our 3-5 art syllabus. >>>

3-5 Visual Arts Syllabus Blurb.pdf
Spanish 3-5 Visual Arts Syllabus Blurb.pdf
Visual Art 3-5 Syllabus

Questions? Feel free to contact me:
