
English 10-2, 20-2, 30-2  (5 credits each)

This pathway is for students whose plans include attending technical school or entering directly into the world of work. While each course includes six strands of English Language Arts – Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing – there is an emphasis on persuasive and functional writing, as well as teaching effective process for reading and writing.

English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1  (5 credits each)

This pathway is for students whose plans include attending university. While each course includes six strands of English Language Arts – Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing – there is an emphasis on the analysis of literature and on the creation of the individual written voice, as well as teaching effective process for reading and writing.

There are two main course sequences in English Language Arts (ELA):

Both focus on interpreting texts and refining your ability to show that you understand those texts. Additionally, both sequences meet diploma requirements upon completion of the 30-level course. However, ELA 10-1, 20-1, and 30-1 place more emphasis on understanding complex texts, and students who take this course sequence will create and analyze a variety of increasingly sophisticated literary texts.

Some post-secondary programs accept English Language Arts 30-2 for entry. Make sure you're familiar with entrance requirements for the programs you're considering. Talk to your school counsellor to make sure your chosen course sequence is right for you.

Competencies and Current Programs of Study: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS

Competencies are combinations of attitudes, skills, and knowledge that students develop and apply for successful learning, living, and working. In school, competencies help students achieve learning outcomes and transfer their learning to new situations. Alberta's curriculum promotes the development of eight competencies, which are a streamlined expression of the competencies identified in the Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013). The following are examples that describe home competencies may be expressed within the context of Alberta's current Kindergarten to Grade 12 English Language Arts programs of study.