September Focus

12th Grade Focus

Seniors will have the opportunity to take the SAT at EHS on September 23rd.

Counselors will be meeting with each senior individually for their Senior Transition Academic Review (STAR). Counselors will cover information such as future Planning Options and Next Steps, topics include four and two year colleges/universities, technical trade schools, military, and workforce employment as well as if you are on track for graduation and financial aid & scholarships. For information about upcoming College, Scholarship (Daniels Fund, Boettcher, Gates) and Career events and deadlines please check out September's Post Secondary Soundbites.

11th Grade Focus

The PSAT/NMSQT will be on October 14th. Juniors will be working with counselors through their English classes linking their College Board accounts, where PSAT 10 scores are kept, and Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a great free test prep tool which provides targeted study guides based on individual student scores.

National Suicide Hotline: 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)

10th Grade Focus

September is National Suicide Prevention month. Counselors will be visiting all Sophomore English classes presenting Signs of Suicide (S.O.S) curriculum. We will also have a pledge to “Keep Arrrgh Pirates Safe” banner for all students to sign during lunch.

National Suicide Hotline: 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)

9th Grade Focus

This year Freshmen will be developing academic and personal "SMART" goals along with taking Learning Styles Inventory in Naviance. Counselors are available to work with freshmen who need additional support with the transition to high school.

National Suicide Hotline: 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)